Japanese Botanical Tincture-Making Workshop

Events Community Events
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Toshizo Watanabe Culinary Cultural Center

Join JACCC and Sustainable Little Tokyo for an immersive, hands-on workshop where you'll explore the art of crafting botanical tinctures using Japanese loquat leaves and aromatic pine needles. Experience their unique scents, learn how to safely apply them to your skin, and create your personalized tinctures to take home. Along the way, you'll gain insight into these plants' numerous benefits and traditional uses, while also mastering techniques that will empower you to make tinctures with herbs from your garden.



The workshop is free and donations to Sustainable Little Tokyo are welcome.

Facilitated by: Sanae Suzuki

Author, Artist, Cancer & near-death survivor, and Whole Health Macrobiotic Holistic Nutrition Counselor, Practitioner, and Educator. Bach Flower Registered Practitioner (Flower Therapist), Herbalist, Certified Therapeutic Massage Therapist, and Reiki Practitioner for People and Animal Families. Animal Communicator and Certified Yoga Teacher.

Born and raised in Nagoya, Japan, Sanae foraged mushrooms and medicinal plants in the mountain of Mie with her grandmother when she was just three years old. Sanae loves growing organic vegetables, medicinal herbs, and native plants in her garden and foraging for the plants in the wild. She enjoys the art of calligraphy, drawing, watercolor, photography, sculpture, knitting, sashiko, natural botanical dye, wood-block print with botanical ink and paint, writing, and more as healing modalities. Sanae has dedicated her life to healing herself and helping others.

作家、アーティスト、癌回復者、臨死体験者、ホールヘルス マクロビオティック ホリスティック食養カウンセラー、実践者、教育者。バッチフラワー登録プラクティショナー(フラワーセラピスト)、ハーバリスト、認定セラピューティックマッサージセラピスト、人と動物家族のための霊気プラクティショナー。

アニマルコミュニケーター、認定ヨガ講師。名古屋出身。3 歳で祖母と一緒に三重の山でキノコや薬用植物を採集。庭で有機野菜、薬草、カリフォルニアネイティブ植物を育て、野生薬用植物の採集を好む。書道、デッサン、水彩画、写真、彫刻、編み物、刺し子、天然植物染料、植物性インクや絵の具を手作りして布木版画、執筆などを楽しむ癒しの匠をして習得。自分自身を癒し、人を癒す助けることに人生を捧げている。

https://sanaesuzuki.com/ @sanaehealing