Shodō for Little Tokyo


Shodō for Little Tokyo

Free shodō calligraphy workshops for Little Tokyo senior residents! Express yourself through the art of traditional Japanese calligraphy with Kuniharu Yoshida. No experience needed, and all materials are provided!

自分の気持ちを書道で自由に表現してみませんか?書家、芳田 訓晴 さんが親切指導いたします。経験不要、講座の材料は全部無料です!

Symbol of Shared Space
Kuniharu Yoshida; Mimi Wada; Shodō for Little Tokyo Class of 2024

This art installation was designed by calligrapher Kuniharu Yoshida and assembled with the assistance of Mimi Wada and Emi Osaki. It is comprised of four-character Japanese idioms that were selected, practiced, and written by students of the Shodō for Little Tokyo Class of 2024. Shodō for Little Tokyo is a free shodō calligraphy program for Little Tokyo senior residents organized by the Sustainable Little Tokyo initiative. For seven months, students of Shodō for Little Tokyo attended weekly classes where they learned and practiced traditional methods and techniques of shodō, or “the way” of artistic Japanese calligraphy. The Byobu folding screen is backed with LED lights which convert the frame into an illuminating piece at night.

When Yoshida was a child, he lived with his grandmother in a wooden house with a large central room that was divided with Byobu screens and sliding doors. He grew up watching the size of the room change to fit different scenarios and learned about sharing space. Byobu screens have a unique quality that enables them to shape a space, one of the reasons they were popular in traditional houses. Although Byobu screens have fascinated people for thousands of years due to their distinct beauty, they are not used as frequently as they once were.

The reverse side of the panel depicts the kanji “迎” meaning “welcome” next to a happy rabbit. Yoshida created the rabbit character, named “Shiawase Usagi,” during the time he lived with his grandmother. He added this element to the piece to transmit the joy and love that define his memories of that time.

This art installation, entitled Symbol of Shared Space, represents the hope for deep relationships between neighborhoods and the people who inhabit them. Please be aware of shared space, whether you are looking at the installation from the front or the back.

共有空間の象徴 2024
芳田訓晴 和田海月 2024年度 小東京書道教室



パネルの裏側には、ウサギとその横に「迎」という漢字が描かれている。 芳田は祖母と暮らしていた時に、このウサギのキャラクターを「しあわせうさぎ」と名付けた。芳田は、祖母との思い出の中にある喜びと愛情を作品に表現するために、この要素を加えた。


2024 Spring Shodo Culminating Artworks

ABE, Paul

一期一會, “treasure every meeting, for it will never recur"

CHEN, Yuing Mai

東西南北, "The four of directions"


八のしま, "eight islands"

FUKUDA, Natsuko (Sayuko)

万里一空, "No matter how far we go, the world is under one sky"

GABE, Yuko

一笑千金, "A smile of a beautiful woman is worth a thousand pieces of gold"


異体同心, "the harmony of mind between two people as two bodies, one heart"


心望郷夢, "Feeling nostalgic for home and dreaming of home"

HIJI, Linda

一期一会, "“treasure every meeting, for it will never recur"


一笑千金, "A smile of a beautiful woman is worth a thousand pieces of gold"

ITO, Hisako

一心不乱, "single-mindedly"

KADONO, Yukiko

桜梅桃花, "Never compare yourself to others"

KAJIYAMA, Cathy Hiroe

春夏秋冬, "Beauty of four seasons"

KAWAYE, Hiroko

風林火山, "as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and immovable as the mountain"


七転八起, "fall down seven times, get up eight"

OSAMU, Mishina

初志貫徹, "carrying out one's original intention"

KAZUO, Mizukami

一心不乱, "single-mindedly"


花鳥風月, "the beauties of nature"


一期一会, "treasure every meeting, for it will never recur"

OGAMI, Suzane

授人以漁, "teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

SAEKI, Toshie

雲外蒼天, "There is always light beyond the clouds"


日進月歩, "steady progress"

SUSUKI, Terumi

山紫水明, "Scenic beauty- In the sunlight, the mountains are hazy purple and the river is clear and beautiful"


一場春夢, "A dream seen on a brief spring night"


意気揚揚, "exultant. In high and proud spirits"


豊潤世代, "a richness of spirit for generation"

filmed and edited by Kuniharu Yoshida